Creating a Quest

Choosing your Quest type

Whether you want to quickly offer vote incentives or execute a long-term strategy, Quests can be configured to fit all of your needs.

V2 offers two Quest types: Fixed and Ranged. Simply, if you’re aiming for a specific target of votes with a predictable APR choose Fixed. If you want to aggressively meet your core targets with a higher APR and then reduce your rate for additional votes choose Ranged.

Learn more on the features page. Step by step guides can be found below.

A reminder about voting periods

With Quest, set up rewards before or during a vote. Here's the standard timeline for voters,

Weekly Voting:

Curve, Balancer, and Bunni: Open weekly, ending at 0:00 UTC every Thursday.

Bi-Weekly Voting:

Convex, Aura, and Liquis: Start on Thursdays at approximately 02:00 UTC and end at 00:00 UTC the following Tuesday.

Step by step guides

How to create a Fixed Quest (predictable APR)

Fixed Quests

How to create a Ranged Quest (flexible APR)

Ranged Quests

If it isn't already, your reward token will need to be whitelisted.

Last updated