Error Codes
List of all the Error Codes in Paladin's contracts :
Code | Keyword | |
1 | CALLER_NOT_ADMIN | The caller of the method must be the address listed as 'admin' |
2 | FAIL_TRANSFER | Fail during an external ERC20 transfer |
3 | FAIL_TRANSFER_FROM | Fail during an external ERC20 transferFrom |
4 | BALANCE_TOO_LOW | User palToken balance is too low |
5 | ALLOWANCE_TOO_LOW | User palToken allowance for the given spender is too low |
6 | SELF_TRANSFER | ERC20 self-transfer |
9 | INSUFFICIENT_CASH | Not enough underlying token in the PalPool |
10 | INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | User underlying token balance is too low for the given amount |
11 | FAIL_DEPOSIT | Deposit function failed |
12 | FAIL_LOAN_INITIATE | Initialization of a new PalLoan failed |
13 | FAIL_BORROW | Borrow function failed |
14 | LOAN_CLOSED | Given PalLoan is already closed |
15 | NOT_LOAN_OWNER | User is not the owner of the given PalLoan |
16 | LOAN_OWNER | User is owner of the given PalLoan (only used in KillBorrow context) |
17 | FAIL_LOAN_EXPAND | ExpandBorrow function failed |
18 | NOT_KILLABLE | PalLoan cannot be killed yet |
19 | RESERVE_FUNDS_INSUFFICIENT | Not enough funds set as Reserve (admin method) |
20 | FAIL_MINT | Failed to mint the given palToken amount |
21 | FAIL_BURN | Failed to burn the given palToken amount |
22 | ZERO_ADDRESS | 0x00..00 address given as parameter |
23 | BORROW_INSUFFICIENT_FEES | Not enough fees to Borrow |
24 | FAIL_WITHDRAW | Withdraw function failed |
25 | FAIL_CLOSE_BORROW | CloseBorrow function failed |
26 | FAIL_KILL_BORROW | KillBorrow function failed |
27 | ZERO_BORROW | Not allowed to borrow a null amount of tokens |
28 | INVALID_PARAMETERS | New parameters given are invalid |
29 | CALLER_NOT_CONTROLLER | The caller of the method must be the address listed as 'controller' |
30 | CALLER_NOT_ALLOWED_POOL | The caller of the method must be in the list of allowed PalPool addresses |
31 | CALLER_NOT_MINTER | The caller of the method must be the address listed as 'minter' |
32 | FAIL_LOAN_DELEGATEE_CHANGE | ChangeBorrowDelegatee function failed |
33 | FAIL_LOAN_TOKEN_BURN | Failed to burn a PalLoanToken |
34 | FEES_ACCRUED_INSUFFICIENT | Not enough funds set as Accrued Fees (admin method) |
35 | CALLER_NOT_IMPLEMENTATION | The caller must be the pending Implementation |
36 | LIST_SIZES_NOT_EQUAL | Given pools & tokens list are not the same size |
37 | POOL_LIST_ALREADY_SET | Initial Pool list was already set |
38 | POOL_ALREADY_LISTED | Pool is already listed in the Controller |
39 | POOL_NOT_LISTED | Pool is not listed in the Controller |
40 | CALLER_NOT_POOL | Method caller must be a listed Pool |
41 | REWARDS_CASH_TOO_LOW | Not enough RewardToken available for claim |
42 | FAIL_BECOME_IMPLEMENTATION | Implementation update failed |
43 | INSUFFICIENT_DEPOSITED | User staked amount is lower |
44 | NOT_CLAIMABLE | PalLoan rewards are null or not claimable yet |
45 | LOCKED | Reentrancy error |
Last updated