
The Controller allows users to get the list of deployed PalPools & PalTokens, and also to check if a Withdraw or a Borrow is possible on a given Pool without asking the Pool directly, and hooks called by some PalPool’s method to verify that an action (Deposit, Withdraw, Borrow, …) executed correctly.

The Controller is composed of 2 smart contracts, working in a Proxy & Implementation system. The Implementation can be changed to upgrade the Controller, and add more functions to it.

Users can also stake their PalTokens in the PaladinController, to take part in the Liquidity Mining program. Rewards distribution is different for the Supply side and the Borrow side :

  • For the Supply side, each PalPool gets a supplySpeed, representing the number of PAL distributed to stakers each block (for PalPool with no rewards, the supplySpeed is set as 0).

  • For the Borrow side, PalPools get a borrowRatio, use to reward borrowers depending on how much fees were used by their PalLoans (for PalPool with no rewards, the borrowRatio is set as 0). For example, on a PalPool with a borrowRatio of 0.75, a PalLoan that paid 70 TOKEN of fees, but only used 50 TOKEN of those fees at closing, will receive a reward of 37.5 PAL.

All Supply Rewards are accrued to a claimable balance for the user, allowing to claim it all at any point.

For the Borrow Rewards, some are directly accrued to the same claimable balance than the Supply Rewards, but for some PalPools (all the Pools having autoBorrowRewards set as false), users will have to manually claim rewards for each of their PalLoan.

Methods :

Events :


event NewPalPool(address palPool);

When a new Pool is added to the Controller List


event RemovePalPool(address palPool, address palToken);

When a new Pool is removed to the Controller List


event Deposit(address indexed user, address palToken, uint amount);

When an user deposits PalTokens in the Controller for Supply Rewards


event Withdraw(address indexed user, address palToken, uint amount);

When an user withdraws PalTokens from the Controller


event ClaimRewards(address indexed user, uint amount);

When an user claimed its reward tokens


event PoolRewardsUpdated(address palPool, uint newSupplySpeed, uint newBorrowRatio, bool autoBorrowReward);

When a PalPool Rewards parameters (Speed, Ratio or both) were updated by the admin


event NewPendingImplementation(address oldPendingImplementation, address newPendingImplementation);

When a new Implementation was proposed to the Proxy


event NewImplementation(address oldImplementation, address newImplementation);

When the pending Implementation was accepted for the Proxy

Useful methods :


function isPalPool(address _pool) external view returns(bool);

Returns 'true' if the given address is a PalPool listed in the Controller


function getPalTokens() external view returns(address[] memory);

Returns the list of PalTokens stored by the Controller


function getPalPools() external view returns(address[] memory);

Returns the list of PalPools stored by the Controller


function palTokenToPalPool(address palToken) external view returns(address);

Returns the PalPool associated to the given PalToken


function rewardTokenAddress() external view returns(address);

Returns the reward Token (PAL token)


function supplyRewardState(address palPool) external view returns(supplyRewardState);

Returns the current SupplyRewardState for a given PalPool

SupplyRewardState struct :


function supplySpeeds(address palPool) external view returns(uint);

Returns the Supply Speed for a given PalPool


function supplierDeposits(address palPool, address user) external view returns(uint);

Returns the amount of palToken deposited for a given PalPool by a given user


function totalSupplierDeposits(address palPool) external view returns(uint);

Returns the total amount of PalTokens deposited fir the given PalPool


function borrowRatios(address palPool) external view returns(uint);

Returns the Borrow Ratio for the given PalPool


function autoBorrowRewards(address palPool) external view returns(bool);

Returns 'true' if the PalPool is auto-accruing Borrow Rewards to the user claimable amount. If 'false', users need to claim Borrow Rewards manually


function isLoanRewardClaimed(address palLoan) external view returns(bool);

Returns 'true' if the PalLoan rewards were already claimed or distributed


function withdrawPossible(address palPool, uint amount) external view returns(bool);

Check if a withdraw is possible on a given PalPool

Parameters :


function borrowPossible(address palPool, uint amount) external view returns(bool);

Check if a borrow is possible on a given PalPool

Parameters :


function deposit(address palToken, uint amount) external returns(bool);

Deposit PalTokens in the Controller to receive Supply Rewards

Parameters :


function withdraw(address palToken, uint amount) external returns(bool);

Withdraw PalTokens staked in the Controller

Parameters :


function claimable(address user) external view returns(uint);

Return the amount of reward tokens accrued from last user state update


function estimateClaimable(address user) external view returns(uint);

Return the amount of reward tokens accrued from last user state update + an estimation of rewards to be accrued from last PalPools States updates (that are not accrued into the user claimable amount without an update of the user state)


function claim(address user) external;

Update the user Reward State and claim all accrued rewards


function updateUserRewards(address user) external;

Updates the user Reward States for all PalPools the user is staking PalTokens.


function claimableLoanRewards(address palPool, address loanAddress) external view returns(uint);

Return the amount of reward tokens the user could claim for their PalLoan.

Return 0 if :

  • PalLoan is not Closed/Killed yet

  • PalPool has the auto-accruing rewards system (no need to manually claim, rewards are already distributed)

  • Rewards were already claimed for that PalLoan

Parameters :


function claimLoanRewards(address palPool, address loanAddress) external;

Claim the potential rewards for a PalLoan

Fails if :

  • PalLoan is not Closed/Killed yet

  • PalPool has the auto-accruing rewards system (no need to manually claim, rewards are already distributed)

  • Rewards were already claimed for that PalLoan

Parameters :

Last updated